Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Sam Peralta's Story

Thanks for making this video for OneLoveSkateOutreach.com, Sam!

Check out Sam's blog and some of the awesome stuff going on in Australia: http://samslettersfromaustralia.blogspot.com/

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Check out the Resources

New video blog:
Two new tracts under the Resources section of OneLoveSkateOutreach.com.  Check'm out.
     - Please use these resources. Print them out, cut them out, share them.
  • If you know Jesus as your Savior, represent Him with your life and lips. 
Here are two practical ways to do that today
- Share Romans 6:23 Click this and share this with someone. 
- Share your story about how Jesus has worked in your life.

  • If you've never experienced the one true love of Jesus Christ, open up His Word to Romans 6:23, and put your faith and trust in Him as your Lord and Savior. True life is only in Him. For real.

I pray you're experiencing the One Love, Jesus Christ. 
