Hey Everyone,
We recorded this video yesterday. If God leads you,
share this video.
You can post it on your facebook, myspace page, or twitter. God can use this to bring someone to faith and trust in Him! Lives can be transformed by God's power because you pass this video on...
Christians, we're alive to share the Gospel (2 Corinthians 5:20).
This is a tool to help you share God's Word today in an easy way. Maybe you can personally e-mail this to someone... Maybe you can show this video to someone on your phone and ask them what they think.
This is not the only tool to share the Gospel, but this is a tool. I want to encourage you to
spend a few minutes in prayer thinking about what God wants you to do, and if God leads you, pass this video on.
Maybe you'll be led to make your own personal Gospel presentation with your webcam or record a friend... Follow the spirit, and
do something cool=)
keep praying for OneLoveSkateOutreach.com.
Pray God uses His people to bring revival. The world needs Jesus. Rep the King!
Grace and Peace,