Saturday, August 20, 2011

Jammin' on a Saturday Morning

OLSO Blog Readers & Prayer Warriors,
     Thanks for praying for the Dominic Balli concert at Ka'ahumanu Mall. It was solid. 

Pastor Sean from Calvary Chapel Central preached the gospel from the center stage at the mall, and Dominic Balli preached with his music and his little messages. che-YEAH! 

One Love Skate took 100 Bibles to pass out, and Calvary Central youth ministry is going to keep passing out the Bible's that were extra.

Here's a little vid from jammin' this morning w/an UNASHAMED believer Upcountry: Hau'oli Kalama wrote this rap/jam, and we wanted to share it:
Ephesians 3:20.

Grace and Peace,

Friday, August 19, 2011

Free Dominic Balli Concert Tonight at Ka'ahumanu Mall

Prayer Warriors,
     We'll be going to the free Dominic Balli Concert Tonight at Ka'ahumanu Mall in hopes to take footage for a new One Love Skate Outreach video.

The concert is tonight from 7:00-9:00p.m.

Please pray for Salvations and Spiritual growth and that the Gospel goes out at the concert in an incredible way. Ephesians 3:20.


Grace and Peace,

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

2011 Senior Project

OLSO Blog Readers,
      This is Hauoli Kalama's senior project from last year. Hauoli graduated last year, but God's still using him to make a difference Upcountry. Hauoli helps lead worship on Monday nights at UNASHAMED. He's using his music to represent Jesus (2 Corinthians 5:20; Colossians 3:17). Enjoy.
Please continue to pray for the gospel to go out on Maui especially through the UNASHAMED crew--That we may all represent Jesus with our LIFE & LIPS!
UNASHAMED is a group of students 6th-12th grade that meets upcountry from 6:30-8:45p.m every Monday night. Come check it out! Grace and peace.

One Love (1 John 4:9),