Wednesday, August 28, 2013

#SeekTheMostHigh for 9/4/13 at 4:20p.m.

For #SeekTheMostHigh this week, be reading pages 173-185 in Multiply. 

We are looking forward to talking through this section on "Exodus & Redemption" on 9/4/13 at 4:20p.m.

Links from for this week:
Francis Chan & David Platt's Leader Video for this week:

One Love (1 John 4:9),

p.s. Please keep praying for leaders & favor for #SeekTheMostHigh studies at Hana, Lahaina, Kihei, & Paia skateparks. 

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

August Best Trick Winner, New Pics on Facebook, & New Boards.

Sam letting Niko share a few words after winning One Love Skate's August Best Trick last week.
New One Love Decks:Clockwise from bottom right: 7.75, 8.5, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 7.75, 8, 7.75
New One Love Skate Facebook Album with pics from the August Best Trick, Recent Skating, and some pics from the 10 events on the mainland in July.

One Love is on Instagram now:


Tuesday, August 20, 2013

#SeekTheMostHigh - God's Covenant W/Abraham

Thanks @princessherra for the pic
Tuesday, 8/27/13 at 4:20p.m., we'll be discussing pages 161-172 on God's promise to Abraham.
"People sin, people face the consequences, God redeems" (page 161). 

Links from for Multiply this week:
Leader Video:

One Love (1 John 4:9),

p.s. Please be praying for leaders to lead 3 other #SeekTheMostHigh Multiply studies at Hana, Lahaina, and Kihei skateparks. Also, pray for the Paia study, for God's direction, as we work to start Multiply in Paia soon.

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

#SeekTheMostHigh at Keo

For #SeekTheMostHigh this week, we're reading pages 151-159 of Multiply on "The Fall."

We'll be discussing it at 4:20p.m. on 8/20/13 at Keo.

Links from for this week:
Here's the .pdf
Here's the Audio of Francis Chan reading this section

Leader Video:

One Love (1 John 4:9),

p.s. Please be praying for leaders to lead 4 other multiply studies at Hana, Paia, Kihei, and Lahaina skateparks (Matthew 9:28).

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

#SeekTheMostHigh at Keo

One Love 8/6/13
From, this week's multiply study is pages 139-149 on Creation.
We'll be talking through this section 8/13/13 at 4:20p.m. under the vert for #SeekTheMostHigh
Free .pdf of this section: DOWNLOAD PDF
Free download of Francis Chan reading this week's audio here: LISTEN TO THIS SECTION
Leader Video: 
We are praying, working, & hoping to have a #SeekTheMostHigh group meeting at every skatepark on Maui by February. 

2 more links you might be interested in:
If you haven't downloaded a free Bible for your smart phone, you can get a solid Bible here:

One Love is on Instagram now:

One Love (1 John 4:9),

p.s. Next One Love Skate board giveaway will be this Tuesday at about 3:30p.m. at Keo